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1000m+ TuffTrak® Roads

Grassform Group has just finished assembling over 1000 meters of TuffTrak® access across 4 farmers fields and 3 electricity pylons so that local contractors can get access to the pylons to replace the insulators and carry out electrification works in the remote area.

As you can see this is a very tight route with limited access. Working alongside the local forestry commission we planned the access and had the route cut back so a safe access could be designed and laid safely by us. This access will now have huge cranes and lorries driving over it for the next 4 weeks and will stand up to the harsh winter conditions throughout the entire project.

Due to the flexibility of our TuffTrak® system, we have designed several 45 degree and 90 degree turns as well as roadways, passing bays and crane pads.

If you are planning a project like this in a remote location please do not hesitate to contact us and we will be delighted to help plan the access requirements.

Questions, or just need some advice?

We’d be happy to discuss your requirements in detail with you.
Please call us on the number below or fill out our enquiry form.

01277 353 686

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